Principal's Page


The community of the Dardanelle Sand Lizards has been the place where the vast majority of my life has been shaped. From a youth league baseball player, to a middle and high school student, to a career in multiple roles as a coach, science teacher, bus driver, assistant principal and now principal, I have been so blessed to be a part of this great school community. As High School Principal it is my desire to lead in empowering our students with the knowledge and skills needed to succeed in their changing world. This school has an amazing team of teachers, counselors, administrators and support staff which are committed to providing every student with a place to belong in a high-quality learning culture with the necessary support networks for students to achieve in every aspect of the high school journey. Communication between students, families and school officials is critical to the success of every student's education. Dardanelle High School looks forward to working with you as we continue in building a legacy of excellence.

Email Paul Farnam